Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Curse You, MTA!

Man, I've been disenfranchised so many times this morning:

1) I actually woke up at 6:30 this morning, for no reason, and couldn't get back to sleep. Curse you, disenfranchising brain!

2) The line for voting took over 40 minutes. Now, I've lived in the same place for over five years, and I've NEVER seen a voting line that long. Or even close to that long. Curse you disenfranchising interested in voting public!

3) Then, both the 7 train AND the 6 train weren't running properly! Curse you MTA, for disenfranchising my breakfast from reaching my stomach on time.

Anyway, voting was awesome. But nerve-wracking... I really do feel like, as cool as it is, the system (at least in New York) needs to be updated. Hopefully, the touch screen thing will be fixed in the next four years.

I also, honestly, felt an incredible surge of emotions while waiting on line:

Nervousness, that I wouldn't be able to vote (and funny story about that: despite the fact that I had my driver's license sitting in front of her, the polling rep actually signed me in as some guy named David, before I pointed out she had made a mistake. And yet, she momentarily still insisted that my name was David. I made a joke that I could vote for both of us, but she didn't laugh.)

Happy Tears, because for the first time in years, I felt powerful against that asshole in office. Yes, I voted for Kerry. Can you believe it?

Worry, because what if the rest of the population is idiots?

Introspection, trying to think how I could properly word this experience and then post it in a blog.

Anyway, it's over now (at least for me). I get very excited about voting, actually, and it's good to see that tons of other people (at least where I was), are excited as well.

By the way, just to briefly address the "my vote doesn't matter in New York" thing: there's also a Senate race. And a LOT of other races. These are also important.

Me? I'm just self-important.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


speaking of senate races: has anybody seen sen. schumer's opponent? even a picture? i've seen a few dozen schumer commercials, but none by (or even mentioning) the competition. i actually read the paper occasionally, and i think i'll make it through this whole cycle never knowing his/her name(s). who did i just vote against?

was it that lazio punk again? i hope it was that lazio guy.

November 2, 2004 at 5:24 PM  

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