Tuesday, November 02, 2004

...And We're Back

The EL Boys are all converging on one place, so no hilarious back and forth for a while, as we'll all be typing on one computer.

I'm surprised no one is calling it yet, but obviously the media is a little wary since 2000.

However, in the total conjecture department, Wonkette is pretty much calling it a rout, in favor of Kerry.

And after talking to my roomie Erin, she says that mid-morning, Bush Futures crashed, and Kerry Futures went up 16%. What does this mean? As far as I understand it, it means that manufacturers, companies, etc. believe that Kerry is going to win, and they are willing to invest in a manner that would support his policies.

By the way, you heard it here thirty-first, but my guess is that we see Red, Red, Red up until Ohio, and then it all starts crashing down.

Crashing down in favor of Kerry, I mean.



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