Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Vote or Pie

Here's a thought:

Would you choose Vote or Pie?

Personally, I'd choose pie, but that's just because I've voted already.


Blogger Elephant Larry said...


When you think about it, one vote really doesn't make THAT much of a difference.

But one pie?

If some one gave me a pie right now, it would make me so god damn happy and change my day from gray to great. And that's difference.

So, yeah. Pies over voting, hands down, any and every day of the week. You'll never see any of these "Rock the Pie" campaigns for a reason: because pies don't need them. Pies--and I mean ALL pies--are inherently wonderful and delicious.

And perhaps most importantly, pies don't tear people apart. They bring people together. Together to eat pie.

Nonpartisan pie.

Hooray (for pie).

November 2, 2004 at 2:03 PM  
Blogger Elephant Larry said...

See, I'm not THAT huge a fan of pie. Though if I had to choose, I'd choose Peach-Vanilla pie - doesn't that sound great?

While not technically (and only colloquially) pie, I might choose sex over voting.

November 2, 2004 at 2:38 PM  

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